jeudi 31 juillet 2008

Session Control Panel r2.0, finally working!

At last, it works now with accurate collision detection using TrianglePickResults. The extruded faces are now distinguish Box (own version with only 5 faces, extrudable, with OrientedBoundingBox):

I think I even discovered a bug... waiting to update the jME 2.0 code to verify it!

lundi 28 juillet 2008

A new problem: user interaction with the mouse

Currently, I'm trying to solve a common problem mainly related to multithreading, dynamic mesh (vertices moving inside a mesh), accurate collision detection (between the mouse cursor and the scene) using dynamic bounding volumes.

Following the mouse cursor (white cross) is over a far tablespace but the session control panel (dynamically extruded quarter of sphere) is in front of it. Thus the collision detection failed (I think because of the Bounding Sphere I'm using for the session panel:

Following the dynamic Bounding Sphere of the session control panel:

Small one:

Large one:

mardi 22 juillet 2008

jME 2.0 threadsafe problem with the Sphere shape

Sadly this kind of issues seems to be present in the second version, I may focus on it during a next Bug hunting party ;o)

Look the sphere in the lower left hand corner...

Session control panel r1.0


I finally get something working:

The quarter of sphere in the bottom displays information about Oracle sessions. The more a face is extruded, the more the CPU it is currently consuming. Using fast FloatBuffer copy allows a good framerate while the TriMesh vertices are quicky updated (20 times per second).

Next: memory representation + data flows!!!

jeudi 3 juillet 2008

Face extrusion under JME?

I'm currently thinking about the rendering of the Oracle sessions and I guess, I've got a cool idea... but for that I'll need some sort of face extrusion to work inside JME. In brief, I would like to be able to change at runtime and with minimum resource consumption this sphere:

