mercredi 30 avril 2008

Deeper into Blender file format

It appears that the DNA1 data block is the most important one. It is a sort of meta-block because it describes the structure of all other blocks.

I've successfully created a Java class generator that can write a Java class file from DNA1 information. I've worked only on the 32bits / little endian version of the format.

Using these classes (280+), I'm now able to decypher a Blender file.

The next step will consist of understanding the links between data blocks and the meaning of the data blocks of type DATA.

mercredi 16 avril 2008

From Blender to JME

I'm currently having a close look (thanks to open source) on the way .blend files (version 2.45) are formated. I'm confident to be able to directly import .blend file into JME then saving them into JME native format.

The .blend file structure is simple and consists of multiple blocks independent from each others thus guarantiing compatibility among different Blender versions (newer and older).

These blocks require to firstly decode the DNA1 structure which mainly consists of the description of the internal C object types (length and C structs...).

JME - Java Monkey Engine

Java Monkey Engine has of course been chosen to handle 3D in Java.

Importing objects created in Blender into JME seems complex and require export of the models (MD5 or Collada) and then thirdparty Java classes to import them into JME object definition... Somewhat hard regarding the tools being no more supported or not complete.

mardi 8 avril 2008

Tablespace: basic model

The basic model is created. Texturing and without doubts new faces will allow good rendering.

mercredi 2 avril 2008

3D models

I'll use the free tool blender.

Tablespace design

A tablespace will look like this. The upper part will turn according to write and read activity. The two tubes will show read and write activity as well. If intense activity is detected, it may turn to bright red. The tablespace name will appear on the 3D object. Clicking on the object will display a small chart displaying tablespace files activity.


Oracle Fun: work with the Oracle database while having fun.

I'll try to detail the steps I'll use to build a new tool around the Oracle database: a 3D monitoring tool !?!