lundi 30 juin 2008

Dynamic mouse cursor!

Now I successfully implemented dynamic mouse cursor: when I move it over an object, it changes:
- appear/disappear
- denotes the name of the object over which the mouse is


dimanche 22 juin 2008

Third tutorial: transparency

This one is available here.

And a picture:

samedi 21 juin 2008

vendredi 20 juin 2008

mercredi 18 juin 2008

Next tutorial about material: colors fading

And it seems I should use a com.jme.scene.Controller. Hopefully, the JME forum provides an example.

JME 2.X: my first bug detected...

...and corrected!

JME IRC channel

Server:, channel #jme.

Logs available here.

mardi 17 juin 2008

First Material tutorial

Can be found here.

Step 1: diffuse reflection only; no ambient no specular

Step 2: diffuse and specular reflection; low shininess; no ambient

Step 3: diffuse and specular reflection; high shininess; no ambient

Step 4: diffuse reflection; emission; no ambient or specular reflection

Step 5: ambient (gray) and diffuse reflection; no specular

Step 6: ambient (gray), diffuse and specular reflection; low shininess

Step 7: ambient (gray), diffuse and specular reflection; high shininess

Step 8: ambient (gray) and diffuse reflection; emission; no specular

Step 9: colored ambient and diffuse reflection; no specular

Step 10: colored ambient, diffuse and specular reflection; low shininess

Step 11: colored ambient, diffuse and specular reflection; high shininess

Step 12: colored ambient and diffuse reflection; emission; no specular

vendredi 6 juin 2008

The HUD tutorial migrated to JME 2.X

In order to understand texturing, transparency and HUD in JME 2.X, I proposed a migration of the JME 1.X tutorial: